Training & Employment

Training & Employment

Are you aged between 16 and 29 and looking for work?

We want to guide you whilst accompanying you on your journey to find work with the training offer we are making to young people on the National Youth Guarantee System. The Comprehensive Qualification & Employment Programme known as PICE in Spanish (Programa Integral de Cualificación y Empleo) is offered by the Chambers of Commerce and give you a personalised training path, prepared by yourself, with a view to obtaining access into the job market or self-employment.   We start from your training level and improve your qualificiations in conjunction with requests we receive from companies.

If you are interested in getting trained and into the job market with us, these are the steps you should take:

  1. Make an appointment at the Mallorca Chamber of Commerce by phone calling (+34) 971 71 01 88 and ask for extension 2236 or 2423.  You can also write to us by email at the address We will register you on the PICE Programme and inscribe you, if you are not already, in the National Youth Guarantee System. 

  2. Once inscribed, you will be given individual advice by an employment counselor who will help you develop a professional profile, offering you different steps to take towards getting a job. 

  3. NOW you can go on one of our training courses! 
    They are free for the student.  They consist of a basic training course which starts monthly to develop your social skills and employability as well as your digital skills and level of English.    Once completed, you can to on to a specific training course to prepare you for a job.
  4. The recruitment plan also involves getting closer to companies by visits to their places of work for possible hiring. 

If you send us back this form completed, you can receive all the training courses we are going to organize under the Youth Guarantee programme by email.

The PICE programme is subsidised by the European Social Fund (ESF), the Public Service for State Employment (SEPE) and the Ministry for Labour, Migration & Social Security.


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