Institutional Collaboration
The Mallorca Chamber of Commerce works together with public sector and private entities to articulate:
- Matters of general interest, across all the economic sectors, such as the evolution of the economy, transport infrastructures, energy, funding, internationalisation, innovation, new technologies, HR and social and environmental responsibility.
- Matters of a particular interest, concerning a specific event such as a change in regulations.
As a corporation liaising between the Public Administration and the business world, the Mallorca Chamber must be listened to during the process of drawing up regulations, as well as in matters directly affecting general interests, despite the presence of other entities representing sectorial interests or private business associations.
To improve its effectiveness and efficiency carrying out its functions, the Mallorca Chamber can promote, create, administrate and participate in entities associated with its end objectives and functions.
Breakdown of entities with a respresentative from the Mallorca Chamber of Commerce:
- Autoritat Portuària de les Illes Balears
- Ports de les Illes Balears
- Consell Balear de Transports Terrestres
- Mesa de Transport Marítim
- Mesa de Transport Aeri
- Comisión técnica del Comité Desarrollo Rutas Aéreas del Aeropuerto de Palma
- Mesa de Diàleg Social
- Mesa Internacionalització
- Submesa d'Economia, Innovació i Indústria, Govern Illes Balears
- Submesa Ocupació i Formació, Govern Illes Balears
- Grup de treball per a la reducció de l'abandonament escolar prematur, Govern Illes Balears
- Consell de Consum de les Illes Balears
- Consell Assessor de l'Agència d'Estratègia Turística de les Illes Balears
- Fundació Mallorca Turisme
- Fundació Impulsa
- Centre Balears Europa
- Cámara de España
- Camerfirma
- Fundación Incyde