Trademark and comercial name registration
Do you know what is the value added to your business though branding?Protect your brand and corporate image now!
- To give value to the distinctive character of your products or services.
- To obtain the document accrediting recognition in the market.
- To promote the internationalization of your business.
- To avoid disputes over the use of a trademark in legal proceedings.

Patenting your Trademark
Do you know how much value you can add to your business through your trademarks? Protect your trademark and your corporate image!
The Spanish Patent & Trademark Office (known as SPTO or OEPM in Spanish) is responsible for granting patents or legal protection to trademarks and commercial names. The Mallorca Chamber of Commerce can undertake the procedure for registering your request for protecting your trademark or commercial name nationally, and includes the following steps:
- Checking through the OEPM if the name requested already exists
- Selection of the NIZA codes related to the activity of your requested name
- Filling in the application form to request the patent
- Payment of fees via the website gateway (depending on the number of NIZA codes requested)
- Sending of all documentation in online format to the OEPM
Patent Costs
To calculate the cost of registering your trademark or commercial name through the Mallorca Chamber of Commerce, please bear in mind two things:
- The OEPM fee is calculated on the number of NIZA codes with which you propose to protect your trademark or commercial name. The fee for one code is €127,88 and an additional €82,84 for each one thereafter.
- The Chamber charges a fee of €133 + 21% VAT for this service, offering a 40% discount for members of Club Cambra Mallorca.
If the meeting is purely informative, a deposit of €45 + 21% VAT will be requested and discounted from the Chamber's fee when the official patent request is made. If you finally decide not to register, the deposit will be invoiced to you under the concept of consultancy fees for patents.
Why should you protect your trademark?
- To give value to the distinctive character of your products and services
- To obtain the accredited documentation for recognition in the market place
- To encourage the internationalisation of your business
- To avoid any controversy about the use of trademarks in court cases
Things to consider about the patenting procedure
If the trademark includes a graphic element, it should also be included as a JPG or PNG in the computer file. If you wish to register this graphic element in colour, you can provide the Pantone or RGB colour references for inclusion in your request.
Once requested, the time it takes the OEPM to complete the procedure is approximagtely 7 months. The patent is registered for 10 years from the date when the initial request was filed and can be renovated indefinitely for periods of 10 years, with renovation costs paid up front.
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